You Deside! I'm late blogging. I'm really behind on blogging. Yet still only a shorty span of time to chat.
Quick TTP update:
Mum and Dad did visit
No blood was shed while they were here
All but Mum and Steve becuase ill with the flu - nasty
We took turns, as one was feel better the other would get sick.
I've cleaned up lots of vomit and still have never found the most effective way to handle it.
Kids are bag at school - all three of them this year, Calebs in 5th, Declan 3rd, and Madison Kindgergarten. They love it and are having agreat time. I'm their new PTO leader and it's going to be fun (I keep telling myself), but am looking forward to how the kids feel when they see me involved in their lives at school.
Now here's the big confession, I'm not really knitting anything. After stittches I became in such a funk that what I knit I have to love and so have stalled on everything. I've swuatched and played around and I need to nail it down to a project. This would be a good time to come up with suggestions. Names will be drawn from a hat for each realistic suggestion. Winner will get something fun that I haven't kicked up yet, but it will be cool.
Shout OUt to the following - Marji and Jae - my fun stitchers pals, I have recently abandoned you and am begging for our closeness to return.
Shout out to marina, carrie, deeann, and all the other buddies I've met online. I appreicate reading your blogs and you comments to mind.
SO to my Secret Pal - Amy Proto. The ladies amazing. I can't find the camera and want to get the phots uploaded of the last stash she sent me. It was, as usual, pefect.
I want to chat more and fill you in on what's beeng going on, but I doubt you really need the detaisl, just remember to wash your hands and brush your teeth afterthis read. Then you too, can avoik, the creeppy pedi bugs that are happily invading our lives.
Well, I'm a little out of it. The medicine kicked in fast today and I'm afraid if I continue I'll share private details with you and cry about it in the morning.
So until tomorrow - yes, I think that tomorrow is a realizatic goal - knit some more and email me with what you think the next project should be. Enter as many times as you want and get your name entered in the box with each suggestion
Smoked Cheddar Confusion
15 hours ago