Seriously time flies! This summer has been insanely busy. Mum and Dad flew across the pond to visit, a couple of vacations so far, plus one long one for the Cute Guy and the two oldest. The Cute Guy unfortunately returned with Shingles and is suffering very quietly. I offered to stay and not run off to Knitting Camp (with toes, fingers, eyelashes and everything else crossed that he wouldn't accept, but I would if he needed me to - I promise). Luckily for me, he assured me that I should go and have fun. Pick Jess up at the airport tomorrow so that she doesn't have to miss the first day of camp (a chronic problem with air transportation and storms that materialize mid-July every year) and then Thursday we hit the thriving metropolis of Marshfield, Wisconsin for Knitting Camp with Meg and the gang.
I have nothing put together yet to take and still need to prep oldest boy for Scout Camp (he leaves while I'm gone). The Little Princess had four of her teeth pulled today by her daddy dentist so that she can get impressions at the Orthodontist tomorrow for braces. I have a silly amount of things to accomplish tomorrow and all I can think of is what to take to camp and can I squeeze in some time to work on a quilt and get in as much snuggle time with the munchkins as possible.
Oh well, tick tock! times flying!
Seeing as I will be kidless at camp, I think I have a better chance of actually getting some posts on here in the next few days.
But, don't count on it.
In the meantime, to quote the lovely Meg, "Knit Onwards"!
March: blossoming, birdsong and buds
2 days ago