After being ill this year, I was very wary of going to knitting camp and almost backed out, but luckily I have a wonderful husband who knows what I need better than I do. The cute guy pushed hard for me to go. So last week I was lucky enough to spend wonderful quality time at the foot of the master, Meg Swansen, and lots of fun time with my favorite long time roomie Jessica (of RoseKimKnits), and giggled and knit with Stephanie and Janet.. and many other wonderful camper friends. We laughed, we knit, we ate more deep fried pickles than any person should, checked out my swatch :) (inside joke). It was just what I needed. That cute guy is a smart man.
I took my Adam's Rib Cap Sleeve Wrap (pattern by Carol Sunday of Sunday Knits) to finish while at camp and it is everything I had hoped it would be. Many of the campers fell in love with it as it looks wonderful on so many shapes and sizes, even though I haven't blocked it. Well, to be honest my lazy blocking consisted of hanging it on a hanger in our very humid hotel room - I know, pathetic, but I'll get around to it.... soon... maybe. The yarn by Sunday Knits is Nirvana 5 ply and is a merino and cashmere blend. It is aptly named. Such a heavenly yarn to knit with and spit-splice beautifully. This really is a project that I think I would knit a second project. Rarely do I really like to repeat a pattern when there are so many wonderful designs out there to knit, but this could absolutely be an exception. Carol is so very clever and writes a beautiful pattern.
(pictured above left to right: Me in Adam's Rib Cap Sleeve Wrap, Amy Detjen, Jessica in our traditional camp photo taken by the lovely Michelle - Cully Swansen's wife)
While at camp, Janet started teaching me how to spin on the spindle. Uh-oh.... new addiction has been formed. I do think I will be contacting Mielke's Farm to schedule a private Spinning lesson once the wee-one's return to school. I really appreciated how excited Janet was to take the time to teach me a skill that obviously brings her so much pleasure. Knitters and spinners are such a generous bunch.
I find myself so grateful for the gift that knitting gives me. For the first time in a long time I feel excited about something and am able to plan ahead to future events with excitement and optimism. Knitters do not just give gifts of yarn or of their time, but their warm and caring hearts.
Progress on Flower Garden
13 hours ago