Smoked Cheddar Confusion
20 hours ago
This blog is another creative outlet or opportunity for me to prostelyte KNITTING and the huge part it plays in my life and I suspect many others. As knitters we enjoy socializing with others who understand us. Come, knit, read and share you love of knitting.
I hope Declan does well at his procedure! Think of the knitting at a relaxation technique akin to meditation or deep breathing.
No addiction problem - just a nice ritual, like bedtime stories for children. I can't go to sleep without reading a bit, even if it's one page.
hope all goes well for Declan...take your's therapy, not an addiction!
It's not a problem. I read a line or two or sometimes even a whole paragraph before closing my eyes at night.
How's Declan?
sometimes knitting seems like an addiction...but we know it's therapy, even if it is therapy one row at a time.
how is Declan feeling?
How's your babe doing? I pray well...
Thinking about you all.
Hope all goes well for Declan.
No. Doesn't everyone knit a row at night?
How is Declan?
I did indeed love the Milk Tray ;) they didn't last long at all. I also made a Christmas cake this year which I just love and can't stop having a piece every morning with my coffee! but I must stop soon, gotta get back on track with better eating. Probably won't start properly til next week but I'm trying to not stuff my face all day with all the goodies and stuff we have left!
How was your Christmas? you haven't posted in a while... hope all is well.
hugs Denise
I don't have an email return for you when you leave a comment, I hope you see this. Yes I'd love if you could pop round for some cake ;) wouldn't that be fun. would love to keep in touch with your more, but not sure how often you check your blog. Hope you have a wonderful new years eve.
Hugs Denise
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